About Hazuur.com

About us

In 2012 we moved to Nepal. 2010 we had moved from Sweden to India, but after a visit to Nepal we packed up and moved to Kathmandu.

After a few months, while searching for new suppliers, we ran in to Suresh. Since then we've been a part of his big family. 

The tourist area Thamel in Kathmandu has always been a vibrant place with lots of shops and restaurants, but in 2020 the silence gave us a sad feeling. Shop after shop was closed and we knew the owners tried to find other ways to do business, but how could they reach new customers?

A new idea took form. We had lots of experience from doing business in both East and West. What could we do to help Nepalese suppliers?

This platform has been a work in progress for a year, but now we can finally provide a place for suppliers and customers to meet directly.

About Hazuur

Hazuur is a wholesale site where Nepalese suppliers can take matters into their own hands and start selling on the online market.

On Hazuur, customers and suppliers have direct contact, making purchases simple and efficient. The sellers contact information is listed on their supplier profile, where it is easily accessible.

So, why buy from Hazuur?

So, you may be asking yourself, "Why shop at Hazuur.com of all places?" Well, there are many reasons.

First of all, everything made on Hazuur, everything from the clothing to the singing bowls are made by hand. Nothing on Hazuur is mass produced. 

Hazuur.com offers apparel, jewellery and many other things that you can't find anywhere else on the market. Nepal is known for its unique sense of style. What you can't find anywhere else, you can find here.

And, finally, if you're purchasing wholesale, everything is incredibly affordable.


So, take your time to browse around all the fantastic products you only can find here in Nepal!

A big welcome to you all! Lots of love from us! 

Ani Nero, Kathmandu 17:th of August 2021